Is it possible to host Multiple Provider Hosted Apps to a Single Azure Web Site?

The answer is Yes. If yes how?

Here you go…..

  • Create Azure Site
  • Create Required App Folders
    1. Go to azure web site
    2. Click on the Configure link in the top navigation for the web site
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter the values for your new virtual paths as shown below:


Note: Make sure you check the Application checkbox.

  • Register your apps using appregnew.aspx page as shown below


Note: Here I am adding my virtual directory sub folder name(App1 and App2) after azure website URL.

  • Your app manifest file should look like this


Note: Here I am adding my virtual directory sub folder name(App1 and App2) after ~remoteAppUrl. If you don’t have Remote Event Receiver in your app, you do not need to configure InstalledEventEndpoint and UninstallingEventEndpoint.

  • Publishing configuration(App Web Project) should be something like this


Note: Here I am adding my virtual directory sub folder name(App1 and App2) after site name.

  • Finally the app package configuration should be like this


Note: Here I am NOT adding my virtual directory sub folder name(App1 and App2).

Let me know if you  have any questions on this.