This step-by-step guide displays how to capture the comments entered by individual approver on the Flexi Task Action with All Must Agree Option.

Building the workflow

When the “Assign a Flexi task” action is set to ‘All must agree’, the comments entered by all the approvers will come as a consolidated one like below:


Joseph Velliah (Reject) 6/6/2012 9:11 AM - 6/6/2012 9:12 AM (Joseph Velliah) Rejected Sai Gelli (Approve) 6/6/2012 9:11 AM - 6/6/2012 9:12 AM (Sai Gelli) Approved

To get the individual approver comments configure the workflow as explained below:

Declare the below variables in Nintex


If you are using the “Assign a Flexi task” action, you can configure the action to store all associated task IDs to a workflow collection variable (TaskIdCollection).


Using this collection variable you can then use a “For each” loop to iterate through the task IDs and query for relevant information based on the current taskid.


In the “For each” loop, you can look up any information required based on the item ID

Get the approver name based on the taskid as shown below


Get the approver comments based on the taskid as shown below


Now as per your requirement you can build your string using the above variables.