We can highlight important information in search results for site users by using keywords and Best Bets. When a user enters a pre-configured keyword term into the search box, Best Bets are displayed prominently at the top of the core search results page.

Use the below format for the CSVfile input

"IRS","","Income Tax;Tax;","Internal Revenue Service","http://irs.gov/","","",""

Sample PowerShell Script

Add-PSSnapin AdminSnapIn -erroraction SilentlyContinue
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -erroraction SilentlyContinue
$sa = "Search Service App Name"
$ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication $sa
$siteurl = "http://siteurl/"
$ruleManager = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query.Rules.QueryRuleManager($ssa)
$isVisualBB = "false"
$bestBetCSVFile = import-csv "BestBet.csv" -erroraction SilentlyContinue

Write-Host "File Imported"

foreach($row in $bestBetCSVFile)
$bestBetName = $row.BestBet
$rulename = $bestBetName
$contextName = $row.UserContext
$keywordName = $row.Keyword
$description = $row.Description
$url = $row.Url
$startDate = $row.StartDate
$endDate = $row.EndDate
$position = $row.Position

    Write-Host $bestBetName $rulename $contextName $keywordName $description $url $startDate $endDate $row.Position

    if($keywordName) {
        createBestBetQueryRule -rulename $rulename -keyword $keywordName -ruleManager $ruleManager -bestBetName $bestBetName -contextName $contextName -description $description -url $url -startDate $startDate -endDate $endDate -position $position -isVisualBB $isVisualBB

        Write-Host "Added BestBet '$bestBetName' to Keyword '$keywordName'"
