Continuous Integration and Delivery is a method to frequently deliver apps to customers by introducing automation into the stages of app development.

  • Revision Control
  • Build Automation
  • Automated Deployment
  • Reduced Overhead
  • Consistent Build Process
  • Confidence and Team Communication
  • Risk Mitigation

In this article, I am going to show you how to set up Continuous Integration and Delivery for SharePoint Framework Web Part using Bitbucket.


  1. Bitbucket Repository
  2. SharePoint Framework WebPart Solution associated with the Bitbucket Repository – (Refer – SharePoint Framework HelloWorld example)
  3. SharePoint App Catalog Site to deploy the SharePoint Framework WebPart
  4. Add the following environment variables on the Bitbucket repository level


At this point we are ready to integrate our SharePoint Framework WebPart solution with the Bitbucket Pipelines.

  • Open the SharePoint Framework WebPart solution and upload the following custom gulp tasks provided by Elio Struyf. (Note: Install the necessary npm packages given in the instruction)
    • upload-app-pkg
    • deploy-sppk
  • Create a new file for Bitbucket build configuration with name bitbucket-pipelines.yml
  • Update the bitbucket-pipelines.yml as shown below


  • Commit and the push the changes to Bitbucket repository
  • Go to the pipelines option and enable the pipeline


  • A build should start as soon as we enable the pipeline as shown below


  • As you can see in the screenshot, the SharePoint Framework WebPart is packaged and deployed in the app catalog site as per the logic written in the build configuration file


  • It is possible to isolate the deployment process in a seperate step as explained here.
  • Also schedule your pipelines to run a pipeline at hourly, daily or weekly intervals.

Hope you found this interesting.

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